The industrial uses of OZONE are numerous and varied.
Bleaching by use of OZONE distinctly improves the quality of paper pulp.
The use of OZONE to eliminate phenols from effluents from the petroleum, chemical and metallurgical industries have increased greatly with industrialists becoming more concerned about
protection of environment.Oxidizing of cyanides by OZONE is especially effective in eliminating dangerous compounds.
OZONE enables aliphatic acids to be prepared from corresponding olefins.
Ozonolysis of oleic acid is widely used in manufacture of lubricants for the aircraft industry, plasticizers and polymer modifiers.
OZONE is used to manufacture intermediaries for synthetic fibers from cyclical and derived olefins.
OZONE is used in organic synthesis of pharmaceutical and agricultural and veterinary product intermediaries.
OZONE is used to manufacture Piperonal in perfumes.
OZONE is a biocidal agent and is used in high temperature sterilization techniques (vacuum pack procedures).
OZONE generates free radicals with a very short lifespan and these enable problems of cleanliness and purity of Oxygen to be solved (in the manufacture of VLSI and ULSI).
OZONE is used in bleaching Kaolin for the manufacture of porcelain, glasses and fine china.
CATALYTIC OZONIZING The combination of OZONE / Hydrogen Peroxide reinforces the radical type oxidation process. Indirect oxidizing is easy to use in industrial
environments, and is all the easier when plants are already fitted out with stocks of Hydrogen Peroxide.
Combined units of OZONE / Hydrogen Peroxide are already in service for the elimination of Pesticides in Water networks.
The combination of OZONE with Ultra-Violet rays eliminates micro-pollutants.
OZONE catalytic oxidizing and Titanium dioxide experiments are underway.
DETOXIFICATION / DECOLORATION / POLLUTION CONTROL OZONE provides pollution control over industrial effluents containing toxic compounds, eg. OZONE is used in the textile
industry for decoloration.